Friday, August 29, 2008

Welcome Back... Ramadhan...

Ah, Ramadhan is coming just in few days from now :D I
Hope that this Ramadhan will be a better Ramadhan for me than my previous Ramadhan :) Insya Allah..

Anyway.. since I cannot create a good poem about Ramadhan, so I try to search poems about Ramadhan and luckily I get this wonderful poem at ;) Hope it can enlight you all :D

Ya Ramadan!
by Noor Syed
In the name of Allah, the most Merciful, the most Kind

A blessed month is casting its shadow upon us
A night of this month is better than a thousand months
Bear with patience for the sake of Ar-Rahman
It's a continuous training to strengthen our Imaan.

Glory be to Allah who sent Ramadan as a mercy to mankind
Its a purification of our soul, our heart, and our mind
With the most sincere devotion and love we fast
To be cleansed and free from sins of the past

Glorified is He, who choseth this holy month,
To test our sabr and fill our hearts with warmth
Of his Divine Light, His blessings shall glow,
The Seer of the unseen, all He does know

Ya Allah! For thee, let my breath be more pleasant than musk
Ya Allah! For thee, let me be thankful when day turns to dusk
My thoughts and heart are purified, my eyes truly see'
This blessed month, the month of spiritual rhapsody!

Ya Allah! For thee, my life I shall live!
Ya Allah! For thee, my soul I shall give!
In the name of Allah, the most Merciful, the most Kind,
Praise be to Allah, who sent Ramadan as a gift to mankind

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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Welcome Silvestre ^_^

It has been 34 years since Brian Kidd moved to Arsenal from their rival Man United :D and now Ferguson has agreed to sell Silvestre to Arsenal

So what would we have here.. an experienced centre back who could also play as a left back. A good addition for Arsenal defence who is "not so good" at several occasion :P (remember 4-2 defeat against Liverpool at last ECL ?). As Clichy is in good form recently so I think Silvestre would be often deployed at centre back to support Gallas-Toure duo.. or in other word to subtitute if one of them gives too many permission for the opposing striker to test Almunia :P

One more thing, how Old Trafford public will greet their ex player :d whether they will do in a friendly way or unfriendly way? :P
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Monday, August 18, 2008

August-The Two Tales of Merdeka

Finally it`s August!! yup two weeks late from my initial plan to write this article :P nevertheless, it`s better to late than never write article at all :D

Back to my first sentence.. why is August is so special? for me it is because august is the month of independence for both Indonesia and Malaysia. Two country that have a relation like brothers or sisters in a family. It is called "Benci tapi rindu" in Indonesian :D it can be easily describe with these attitudes : like to compete between each others, claim each other properties, but generally still "love each other" ;)

Anyway.. I noticed something interesting between "merdeka" in Indonesia and in Malaysia ;)

The declaration of Independence of Indonesia was held with very little preparation. Initially the Japanase (through admiral Terauchi in Dalat) told to Sukarno and Hatta that the declaration of independence was permitted to be held at August 24th. But the young generation of Indonesian nationalist dislike Japan intervention and prefer to announced it earlier at 16th of August. So they took Sukarno and Hatta to Rengasdengklok (small town nearby Jakarta) in order to declare the independence of Indonesia and officially start the revolution. But the plan failed because they couldn`t convinced Sukarno and Hatta, however agreement was reached and the date of independece set at the next day, August the 17th.

So can they prepare such a big day just in one day? well apparently not :D For me thats the best part.. because for the next hours the atmosphere was full of struggle B) and I recommend to read the detail at Sukarno biography which was written by Cindy Adams.

We could read the thrill after Japanese warn the nationalist to preserve the status quo which mean that they wont allow any such declaration and will stop it by force. Moreover there was also some witty stories regarding the preparation of the declaration and the declaration process itself :D We could read how Sukarno was using just ordinary textbook to compose the text and he didn`t even remember about the pen that he used to compose the historical text :P

The declaration was planned to be held at Ikada field but later at the last minutes it was moved to pegangsaan timur 56 to prevent open confrontation between Indonesian and Japanese. Sukarno himself was sick at the day of declaration but still he kept going on. After he finished reading the text, there was confusion about what we would do next? Fortunately Latief Hendraningrat, one of the PETA soldier, took initiative to raised the flag by using a bamboo stick. Nevertheless, the proclamation was successfull altough it wasn`t prepared properly. But thats the art right? ;)

Contrary, the declaration of Independence of Malaysia was generally prepared very well. The date itself had been set almost one year earlier at the treaty of London 1956. Place for the declaration (Stadium Merdeka) was specially built after the date had been set. And the situation itself was can be considered peaceful although technically Malaysia is in state of emergency because of communist rebellion. The declaration was attended by Sultans of Malay and foreign diplomats. Malayan Film Unit recorded and filmed the event.

This short excerpt in Malay can describe the event in much "live atmosphere"

Stadium Merdeka 5.00 pagi, 31 Ogos 1957, hujan turun dengan lebatnya. Dato' Abdul Razak yang melawat Stadium pada pagi itu gelisah dengan takungan air di tengah-tengah padang di mana Askar Melayu akan mengadakan perbarisan kehormat. Dato' Razak adalah Timbalan Pengerusi, Jawatankuasa Persiapan Kemerdekaan dengan Tunku sendiri adalah Pengerusinya.

7.00 pagi, hujan mulai reda. Dato' Razak menalifon Tunku dan melaporkan keadaan di stadium. Beliau mencadangkan agar ketibaan Raja-raja Melayu, Duke serta isteri dan Pesuruhjaya Tinggi dilewatkan satu jam.

9.00 pagi, langit mulai cerah, rintik-rintik hujan semakin mengecil dan hilang dari pandangan. Perabut dan perhiasan mula dibawa keluar dengan kadar segera. Tunku telah bersiap sedia di rumahnya. Berbaju Melayu hitam, berkain samping, berselitkan keris bersarong gading dipinggang serta bertengkolok songket, Tunku menantikan saat untuk bertolak.

Di Stadium Merdeka, Tunku berdiri gagah menerima ketibaan Duke of Gloucester yang memakai pakaian istiadat ketenteraan British berpangkat Field Marshall. 'God Save The Queen' berkumandang ketika Duke of Gloucester yang merupakan pakcik Queen Elizabeth II masuk dan mengambil tempat. Duke telah diiringi oleh Pesuruhjaya Tinggi British, Sir Donald MacGillivray.

Raja-raja Melayu pula duduk dipayungi oleh sembilan payung kuning, Yang DiPertuan Agong pula duduk di tengah-tengah, di kirinya Tunku dan di kanannya Duke.

Duke kemudiannya menyerah 'Instrumen Kemerdekaan' yang mana merupakan suatu pengakuan British bahawa ia menyerahkan kedaulatan Pulau Pinang dan Melaka kepada negara baru ini dan seterusnya menarik balik 'perlindungan' yang diberikan kepada negeri-negeri Melayu.

Tunku kemudiannya membacakan pengistiharan Kemerdekaan yang antara lainnya menyebut "Dengan nama Allah, Persekutuan Tanah Melayu untuk selamanya sebuah negara yang demokratik dan Merdeka". Acapkali suaranya tenggelam dan pekikan Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka! oleh rakyat sebuah negara baru yang lahir dari suatu perjuangan yang suci
Well you can see the difference between the two events :D But despite that different I congratulate both Indonesia and Malaysia. Happy Independence day !! Merdekaaaa!!!!

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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Anwar Ibrahim- The Battle of Permatang Pauh and Road to Putrajaya

After a busy day, nothing would be better than writing something about Malaysian politic :D

Anyway...I`m aware that I just a foreigner in this country or alien in other word (but of course a legal alien :O) nevertheless it doesn`t stop me to follow and sometimes analyze political situation in Malaysia. Although it is just analysis from an amateur in politics :p

There is no doubt that The result of Malaysia 2008 General election surprised many people, particularly the incumbent Barisan Nasional (BN) after they had been denied into just simple majority in Parliament and lost five states to the opposition. Regardless of this shock, they still rule the country. The question is, until when....?? Especially if Anwar factor is being considered

After his 5 years quarantine from politic prevent him to contest in March 2008 election, it was apparent that Anwar has prepared Plan B, which is called "by-election" or "pilihan raya kecil". In
Malaysia, by-election must be held if a state assembly member or parliament member vacant his/her seat. There is no "pergantian antar waktu" or PAW in Malaysia :D .
FYI, in Indonesia, PAW allows the winner political party in an area to substitute his member of parliament or member of state assembly directly without an election. I`m sure Anwar will prefer this way :p

Permatang Pauh has been considered as Anwar`s stronghold. He has been elected there since 1982. Furthermore, it is was his wife, Wan Azizah, who replaced him after he had been temporary banned from politic and she repeatedly announced that she would vacant her seat for his husband. So if Anwar want to stage a political comeback, it is very logic to say that Permatang Pauh will be his fastest and safest way. But Permatang Pauh is not the ultimate target of Anwar Ibrahim. He is targeting the bigger fish in Putrajaya :D He is not making secret of his intention and even announced that at September 16th, parliament members from Sabah and Sarawak will cross to his side and cause the current government to lose their majority in Parliament. In other word Anwar Ibrahim will become PM.... of course if anything run according his plan.. Is it ?

Then surprise came at the right time in form of new sodomy allegation :o Whether it is kind of "BN conspiracy" or not, the allegation surely become obstacle for him. But Anwar took the risk by letting (or instructing ??) Wan Azizah to resign her seat at July 31st. Furthermore the election commission has also set the election date at August 26th.

The next question is.. who will be Anwar`s opponent?? By the time this article is made, there is no official anouncement from BN. Is it -ex aide turned enemy- Ezam Mohd Nur ? or Datuk Firdaus Ismail who was defeated by Wan Azizah in 2008? or perhaps BN will boycott the by-election and Anwar will win uncontested as suggested by Tan Sri Annuar Musa ?

Anyway...Just my imagination...if everything is according to Anwar`s plan, will Indo-Malay relation will be better ? Could be... if Anwar keep his promise which he has said before at Kick Andy Show :D I quote this from Kick Andy website

Anwar yang sewaktu muda dulu pernah belajar di Indonesia mengaku memiliki hubungan emosional dengan Indonesia. Teman-temannya juga banyak. Antara lain Fahmi Idris, Adi Sasono, Amin Rais, Adnan Buyung Nasution, Taufiq Ismail, dan Rendra. “Itu sebabnya saya dibenci karena dianggap lebih pro Indonesia. Saya dituduh tidak nasionalis karena sering membela kepentingan Indonesia,” ujarnya. Salah satu yang paling sering dia kritik adalah perlakuan Malaysia terhadap tenaga kerja Indonesia. “Saya sering protes atas perlakukan terhadap TKI. Sering terjadi penyiksaan. Saya tidak ada urusan dengan nasionalisme. Saya melihat persoalan ini dari kacamata kemanusiaan,” dia menegaskan. Kondisi tersebut, menurut pria yang selalu tampil rapih ini, belakangan semakin menjadi-jadi. “Ini yang selalu saya kritisi. Sebab kalau pejabat tinggi seperti saya saja dipukuli, apalagi TKI,” ujarnya masgul. Karena itu, dia bertekad untuk memperbaiki keadaan dengan mencalonkan dirinya dalam pemilihan perdana menteri mendatang

Well... let`s wait and see ;)

Other links

Anwar Ibrahim biography in Wikipedia

Anwar Ibrahim featured in Kick Andy Show
PKR-Anwar Ibrahim political Party

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